The Brightest Star You See

Must Always Be Thee
The Greatest Thing You Know
Comes Not From Above But Below


Cryptoid Media team bios



Creator/Audio Engineer

Ivan is the creator of Clemency: A True Crime Podcast. He is a lover of the macabre and the mysterious, a musician and crafter of occult objects. Raised in Atlanta, Georgia; Ivan likes the finer things in life like cheap beer, skateboarding, and hip-hop music. Early in life Ivan ran away from home and earned money working as a caretaker in a haunted hotel. Later in life Ivan would exhume corpses from Victorian graveyards and sell the remains to medical students. He was enlisted as an infantryman and served in the Frist Bug War under the command of Lt. John Rico. Ivan is the producer and bassist in the band Cisters. He currently lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife Brittanie who is rumored to be his distant relative.


Co-Host/Voice Actor

Brittanie is the creator of WTF Is Even That & Cryptoid Media. Born in Virginia Beach to an enlisted family; Brittanie had an itinerant childhood, moving from place to place. She would settle in Jacksonville, FL where she studied special effects make-up and was active in the local music scene. She honed her psychic abilities prior to her senior prom, and after spending a short amount of time on Florida’s death row she moved to Atlanta, Georgia. There, she dedicated her life to procuring and burning sacred herbs for the dead. Brittanie relocated to the west coast where she began her new life as a drug kingpin. She moonlights as a Black Metal vocalist, and practices black magic in her Portland, Oregon home with her husband Ivan (no relation).


Graphic Artist/Web Developer

Born in Manhattan NYC, Null was attracted to the art and excitement his birth city provided. Originally he was a street artist that went by the moniker "theNza" making stencil and spray paint art since 2007. Currently, Null is the composer and lead-guitarist in the band Cisters. His art has an emphasis on the occult with punk and gothic overtones. Null has the innate ability of clairvoyance stemming from a long line of psychics. You can find his art, clothing, and photography on his company website theGraphicMedia.

Clemency: a true crime podcast

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Founded in 2020 Clemency is an audio document series where true crime podcasts and audio books overlap. Each episode is the reading of a real court document taken straight from the case file to give the listener the same information as the investigators, attorneys, judge & jury.

Clemency Show Notes:
Voice Actors: Brittanie, Ivan, & Null (So Far)
Producers: Brittanie & Ivan
Editor: Ivan
Visual Artist: Null
Theme Music: Psychedelia by T.F. Ivan - feat. Kontra Killz - prod. by Arcadia Beats
Score Contributors: Arcadia Beats; Magmi Soundtracks; Working Bamboo; Setuniman; Psovod; Alan Spiljak; Greg Orquendel; Klank Bleed; David the Great; Riley Warren.

what the f*ck is even that

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Mothman? is that you…?
Cryptoid Media presents:
What the Fuck Is Even That?
We examine the oddities that make us question the fabric of our very existence. High strangeness, paranormal activity, cryptids, and lights in the sky. WTF is THAT!? WE DONT KNOW! ITS WEIRD RIGHT? We ask the hard questions, endlessly searching for more, harder to answer questions. Where does Bigfoot vacation? Are ghosts monogamous? If I go missing in the woods does David Paulides make a sound? And are UFOs and UAPs actually the same thing? Join us as we look into the unknown and mysterious, hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever is looking back.

that fucking ivan - punk rap


ABOUT t.f. ivan

Portland based Punk-Rapper That Fucking Ivan merges the philosophy of anti-authority punk with the unapologetic delivery of underground hip-hop. Raised in Atlanta, T.F. Ivan is a staple of the Portland, OR hip-hop and punk scene. He is currently working on numerous side projects with various artists of different genres. You can find his music on Spotify and his videos on YouTube.